Thursday, September 3, 2015


der Trumpf
"This is the difference between Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders" by Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Washington Post
One paragraph from Kathleen Parker in the Chicago Tribune, Sept 3, 2015:
"Genius. Trump is a human handler extraordinaire - the jet-set equivalent of the blackhatted fellow who wheeled his cart into tumbleweed towns. He doesn't just sell snake oil. He milks the venom from the gathering throng of willing believers, then bottles it up and sells it right back to them. Delicious with raw meat."
Half of a paragraph from Steve Chapman in the Chicago Tribune, Sept 3, 2015:
"Donald Trump is doing so well because he exploits racial anxieties without ever raising them directly. He complains we are 'losing our country,' ridicules 'political correctness,' accuses Mexicans of 'bringing crime' and claims to represent the 'silent majority.' All these themes are designed to appeal to white resentments and fear of minorities."
Unregulated capitalists running amok,
Those they bribe, and one skinny duck
Took a siesta
Before the fiesta,
While shortcuts self scored in the muck.

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