Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Right, Men?

Dear MayorahM,
     Thank you! Your summit "ownership", except for the paying for it part, will be a fantastic showcase for you and your title. Even though the summit has little or no food value either for today or tommorow, your secrets and the big spending are so so special. As an added bonus, your contribution to disaster capitalism will demonstrate your desire to play with the big boys at the People's expense.
And if the Republicans cannot find a decent presidential wannabe, they don't need no decent presidential wannabe. So there.
An incoming dude
With his rude and ignant tude
Got all unglued
At what the brood brewed
To thank him for their getting clued
Abut his rude and ignant tude.
You know you suffer from stinkin thinkin when, to squelch your lifechoice fears, you look for affirmation and validation and calibration from strangers.
If a grown man does not want to have an abortion or take birth control pills to prevent having to have an abortion, nobody but his mother can force him. Right, men?

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