Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Stasis in Your Open Spaces

a Dios
Theme of this poem - "Spend a couple of dollars & get better writers."
When 3 months rehearsal time is not enough
And your audience throws shoes & some kind of fluff
Whine for a rebate
And accept your fate
Now practice twice as long, though you'll find it so rough.
Remember, your congresspeople will not do the right thing unless you call or e-mail. And not even then, unless you give them much more bribe money than they're getting already.
Pete Peterson, Is your middle name Pete too?
Who said this?
I would feel for you people, if only I could. My face is almost concerned. I have mine, but what about you people? What about you?
I said this: Get a grip on your emoting skills, lady. 
Dimrod was on one of his hunts
Game time for neither punts nor bunts
For one of the litters' runts.
Stasis in your open spaces.

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