Saturday, February 28, 2015

Engage It

Bribed into compliance and volunteering to break his word,
Will Wilson pick old money and give neighbors the bird?
Real men don't cheat
Or trade the common good for a seat.
All the Britt Rahmners sell the same old t_rd.
If you're as thirsty as Rahm, you have a koch on your transition team. Otherwise, where is the will? Let him do it.
re: GnomeLand Insecurity
First we'll sell you something you don't want and didn't know you needed until we told you. After a "decent" interval we'll threaten to take it away, causing fear and uncertainty. We call it soft terrorism. It doesn't stain the clothing, but it does take up a lot of time.
The corporate delicti
Strategizing another kick-n-buy,
Outsourced the welcome mat
To a rat with a designer bat.
It won't be quick, but it'll make us cry.
I only have half an ab left. I forget if I'm supposed to rip it, burn it, or engage it.

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