Thursday, February 26, 2015

7-Level Churned

We hear you claim to be your own man. How is that possible?
Good question. My answer is - sure, bro and I have the same parental units, but we were each raised by different nannies. They had completely different names. Besides, he's older and I'm not as hyper. Be strong! Click "like" on my Back-to-Iraq PAC! Next question.
   An overgrown area known as "brackenbush" was full of clumps of ancient brambles and one old cane. It was a rough and prickly uncommonweal that harmed the good public. Yet after half a century or more, some thought it was worth a try and maybe even a great adventure to make it all the way into the swamp in the center of it all. They never returned, no they never returned, and their tails were 7-level churned.

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