Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Oh Cheeses

It is interesting that the Republican Presidential contenders formed a small union to fight for and change their working-the-debates conditions. Interesting and very telling
Syria is Syria and VietNam is VietNam and Iraq is Iraq, but still . . .
Life is a circle, but still . . .
Do you think it is okay for the Koch brothers to bribe
members of a local school board?
There are about 3% Cuban/Americans and about 17% Mexican/Americans in this country. Cubans are not Mexicans and Mexicans are not Cubans. And that is something for the (g)OP to "think" about.
The government is an ethnic cleanser.
Bad police kill 90 to 100 people every month.
They are an arm of government, along with the good ones.
Yeah, I could have won, but I chose to lose.

Who do you think you're talking to?
Oh cheeses, make US grated again!
Take US to the antemundane sometime before ten
When commandments are followed
And the biggest lies are swallowed.
They say greater later, but when?
Oh cheeses.

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