Friday, November 20, 2015

That's the Rule

Which Presidential campaigner is the son of an immigrant
was known for doing his own extermination work?
A cotillion of partners and favors
Devolved from old spelunking cavers.
The orally manipulated
by the
Morally pustulated
Twisted arms wrapped in oily waivers.
When Yawns Can Cling
A german vole Zin
Traded for mysteries and a shark fin
Or two
In the land of moo.
Prior labors got a kick in the shin.
Everyone can or cannot be a fool.
Everyone could or could not be a tool.
Everyone may or may not be cool.
Everyone might or might not be a stool.
Everyone will or will not be a jewel
in the shimmering silver pool.
That's the rule.

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