Thursday, April 14, 2011


As a biased observer who likes to stretch letters into words, I do not find it ironic that San'Toru(m) = Sanguineus Torus = Bloody Bed. Now that Rick Santorum is exploring the possibility of thinking, please think about this: 1) His campaign slogan probably used to be I Appeal to the Amoeba in All of US, and 2) Does he see any  difference between maintaining his position as Headmaster of F.I.F.F.L.E. - Fetuses In Fun Friendly Little Envelopes - and being boss of the world? He could be our missing link.

If Sarcasm is an ironic gibe and if Slivers are splits along and with the grain and if Other Stuff is the material and materiel of which everything is created, then lots of times these are not intended to be factual statements and lots of times these are. That did, does, and will cover any and all past, present, and future statements.   

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