Saturday, April 9, 2011

Knick a Louse, Knick a Lice

Sick ol' fans with a pair o' sights
Yes-mandowned their street of blights.
Licked the boots
Of Toady the Toots.
Then bit the kids with granny bites.

From the St. John Cantius church bulletin: (Facebook) is exactly the opposite of the Christian culture where people go into the secrecy and sacredness of the confessional to blot out their sins forever.
From me: Church can be exactly the opposite of human culture where people exist in an open society in the sacredness of life to magnify their creative spirit forever.

Crude oil is moved great distances on paper only, but not in reality.

Kathy Nickolaus is an expert at numbers running for the justamistake department, as she should be. She has the experience.

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