Friday, April 15, 2011

Ojibwa Tea

The wealthiest do not pay taxes. When you start from 0, it is not a "raise" in taxes.

Why do the Koch heirs waste their money against US, rather than use it to benefit their employees?

Why do the Walmart heirs waste their money against US, rather than use it to benefit their employees?

Instead of worrying about what shade the nail polish is, how about reading the chemical contents of the polish and worrying about that?

Once upon a time, old white men realized they would never have babies and they began to lose their chokehold on the world. They started getting nervous and nasty because they had too much time and money on their hands. So they began again to bully their grandmas and people who needed doctors. It felt so good to be back in action that they forgot to care about their grandmas and people who needed doctors and even their own d*mn good.

Ojibwa Tea = Burdock Root, Sheep Sorrel, Slippery Elm, and Turkish Rhubarb. If you are very ill and doctors are no longer an option, drink a cup of Ojibwa tea every day.

Who ever thought the US government would regress to such a degree, that by the year 2011, it was no longer a government of the People, by the People, or for the People?
Who ever thought that the government pre-approved scapegoats in the year 2011 would be teachers? Who ever thought that "change" meant "delete"? Those are 3 questions that make you want to give them money.

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