Thursday, April 25, 2013

Go Figure

Which Bloat-Float said: "I think my brother deserves little or no credit for not criticizing the succeeding President who got elected by actual voters, but he deserves a lot of credit for retiring as a slug who never helps anybody."
When the War on Terra was renamed COO - Contingency Overseas Operations - and one on one torture for dollars was enhanced into drone torture for dollars, D.C. pols are pretty sure the whole mess is the fault of labor unions, teachers unions, and the fact that minimum wage earners' desire to eat 3 meals a day is a burden on the wealthiest takers.
Dear Men to Boys: If your goal is to enjoy your toddler with pubic hair and your adolescent twins with facial hair even though they are girls, let them lightly touch your enhancement drugs with one delicate finger. Pride is all you've got, babies.
Make sure your surrogates, avatars, and pseudonyms are safe
from the vacuuming robot
Then throw the pantry shelf and some secret sauce into the crock pot
Supersize your biggest cup
For safety's sake, zip it all the way up
A dab of Vicks and a bit of gallows humor, time to give another day
all you've got.

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