Sunday, April 21, 2013

His Brother

The actual number is 47, but Harry Reid says he is not running again due to procedural ass plugs that got stuck in his nasal passages. Below is a link to Huffington Post's list of the 46 Senators who do not work for US, 46 Senators who voted against a gun background check regulation bill last week, 46 Senators who want US to elect someone else next time. Okay, thank you and we will.

It is said that Tamerlan Tsarnaev changed a couple of years ago. Was he schizophrenic (symptoms show up between 16 and 25 yrs) ?  Had he been using street drugs to self-medicate? When he went to visit his father in Russia, did he do a great deal of sleeping because he had left his drugs in America and he was drying out? Did Tamerlan Tsarnaev radicalize himself with his own brain, and then radicalize his brother? And now most importantly, how does the FBI establish rapport with Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, an angry fearful teenager who said he has no American friends because he does not understand them?

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