Monday, July 1, 2013

Done by the Prism

Will the Tehrik-i-Pakistan Taliban partner up with BoozAllenHamilton and Carlyle Group and the other unConstitutional snoopers? Our government says oh great, as long as nobody wants to climb any mountains.
Thirty pieces of brass
Fracking water in the gas
How crass
Brayed the ass
Time for another super secret pass.
The last 32 years of downward spiral
Is not quite enough for the ancient vampiral
Smile when you say it
Where'd  you get bit?
Funny how freedom rings and goes viral.
Harming for cash and a deliberate schism
Snooping on each and every ism.
The US leads in ambush cheating
And force feeding as a kind of beating
Corporate espionage done by the prism.

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