Thursday, July 4, 2013

Infinity Squared

Benedict Arnold and Dick Cheney
Worked for their own instant gainy
Paul Revere
And Edward Snowden
Living against those way too insaney.
Is it okay for the Kochs to pollute our world?
Dear John Kerry: Edward Snowden is a hero and an airport legend. Do you remember Dick Cheney? Do you remember Valerie Plame?
"The NSA's Metastasised Intelligence-Industrial Complex is Ripe for Abuse" by Valerie Plame Wilson and Joe Wilson, the Guardian
Obama, a little disappointing or
a man who is working to enslave the world?
From -
Posing for the camera 'cause you're running scared
Knowledge against you has really flared
Grab ahold and cough, boys
Your constant lying really annoys
And your criminality goes to infinity squared.

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