Saturday, July 20, 2013

We Are Still Great

Our taxes go to bribes called "subsidies" for the super rich (i.e. fossil parasites, chemistry leeches, other corrupters, etc.) which go to bribes called "lobby" money for the super rich, which go to sorry,
our taxes are not for US.
The Skulk and Boss Crone Society, a secret brotherhood of squirrel and vermin hoarders, break into homes - any homes any time - and peep in underwear drawers. But that's just them. The rest of US are working on a better rodent trap.
Being their own worst enemies, super rich thieves did some oppositional research on themselves, just to see if all the rumors were based on facts. So they each spent a minute or maybe two on self-study, 15 hours on self-enrichment, an hour of self-massage, then a good night's sleep. The next day was devoted to capitalizing on fake disasters and extorting people in their 80's. The self-report came back a minute before sunset: We are still great.

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