Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Insipient Aims

"Hillary stands for people who are 'dead broke' but also have multiple homes." a quote from John Kass in today's Chicago Tribune. I would add this - Hillary was really speaking only to those with multiple homes when she used the old rags to riches we did good "business" story. She was flashing the Clinton credentials, their membership in the movers and shakers club without a party. And the rest of us happened to overhear.
The dinosaurs' extinction is direct proof there are soul-sick puppies doing speaking gigs on the House floor. Parallel universes have finally met, the shortest distance between 2 pointed heads is by way of a crooked crook, and the space between one's ears is more than slightly infinite. We have landed on the Isle of Wak.
Waterless torture games
Criminals nobody blames
Stuffed britches
Deepen ditches
Join the club of insipient aims.

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