Thursday, June 12, 2014

Mute Button

"Leader's resounding defeat by Kochs' covert money highlights divide"
"Kochs' covert money key in Cantor defeat"
Because when you want the public to believe your candidate is "underfunded", you covertly fund some bribable radio personalities and let them do the mindbending work.
In the name of the bother, the bun, and the goalie post. Amen.
"10 seconds to time warp." Godzilla v King Ghidorah ('91)
During times of great social change, the fringe on the right who always want to control everything in order to not feel afraid, feel even more afraid. Their mouths run amok. Fortunately, tape comes in a variety of colors and designs and is cheaper than surgical extraction or using the mute button.

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