Friday, March 9, 2012

Reality Check Please

Primaries are great opportunities for the outgoing embarrassment of pols to have their names on ballots with the incoming ones. Springtime and the pickins ain't easy between one sideshow fob and another and another and another.
MayorahM wants to install the word "trust" where there is no actual trust, saying it will go hand in hand with the honor system where there is no honor, but only if he is granted total and secret and totally secret uber powers.
President MeMe Lies 'n Flowers
Succeeded former george of the toppled towers
Aloha brudda
And f u mudda
Today's cocktails are jager martini vodka sours.
Has being the face in our storefront window gone to his head?
Yo! Israel! He's got your back! All by himself! Can we have a reality check please?

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