Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Nugatory, good buddy, nugatory.
Having a koch fills your balloon with noxious vapors,
and who needs that?
The second post-y2k ruler of the universe was taught by a nymph named Egeria. To be more precise, she tried her best to teach him, but some things he would not learn. Egeria instructed him in the arts of legislation and religious worship. Some of it took, some of it did not. After that, she went back to swimming.
Dear Mitt, All that $$$ you spend on advertising, and it is not helping you much. Perhaps you should stop worshipping it and start walking among us mortals instead.
Hi! My name is Rick and this is my constant companion, Freddie Fetus. Come on over to our side - waaay over here. Howdy! Nice to meet and greet us! Sure, most of my hate may cause you to shortsheet us. But the truth is, anyone with a kind heart and half a brain can beat us.
I love you, my Newter, my G, my serial groom but never
the best man. I wish I could be your V.P.

I love you too, my crazy cow puncher. I wish I could grant your wish. You should have asked before you became V.P. of visual probing.
By doing that, you spurned at least half of our constituents.


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