Sunday, March 25, 2012

With the Coolest Beat

Bribery cruises are out, lobby cruises are in.
A combat veteran in MayorahM's posse named Tammy Duckworth, or Joe Walsh, another guy who will not take proper care of his kids - tough one or not so tough?
Can one of the Pope's costumes feed a family for a year?
As someone in the (g)OP recently said, any president but Mitt will do, as long as he does as he is told, such as approve the pipeline before the elections.
A reptile heart?
Wow, nebech Jebush mit oigs of shturemen & vermin. Scarey.
The churlish complaint of the welfare elite
Is about not paying their way; they'd rather cheat.
"Class wars!"
"Class wars!"
They cordoned themselves off over on sheet street.

You can see by following their prince of feet
And by pre-approval only; a meat and greet.
Gas whores!
Gas whores!
You'll want to take a seat with the coolest beat.

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