Monday, October 15, 2012

Finger Pulling or Pointing

It is rumored that F_x Opinion Networks is letting Keith Ablow leave his job due to his inability to distinguish between reality and fantasy. The doctor has a name for that.
The Koch brothers and the other ceo's who are guilty of EXTORTION should be arrested for their crime. Extortion = obtaining objects or behavior of value from people by threats, intimidation, or abuse of authority.

"Koch Industries, other ceo's warn employees of layoffs if Obama is re-elected"
Overheard at a secret and not so quiet meeting of the refreshing kochs and associates:
No way will we stand for any government changing our gadzillions of dollars into only billions of trillions! No way!
Overheard all across the country:
Jeff Flake is a big fat liar.
Overheard at a tribune strategy meeting:
blah blah Al-Qaida blah blah film blah blah blah not really blah still talking blah blah blah about it blah blah troublemaking blah blah games blah blah hey blah let's start charging blah blah blah our readership blah blah another blah made up fee blah blah okay! blah blah blah . . .

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