Saturday, November 10, 2012


Rupert Murdoch is another loser who inherited wealth. He now uses his money to lie and hurt people. Murdoch hated to become a US citizen, but ownership of American media required him to do so. He uses the media to lie and hurt people and to employ other losers who lie and hurt people. A dirty judge may say differently, but lies are not free speech. Lies are not Democracy. A Democracy does not mean arresting people who are outdoors telling the truth while Murdoch uses his fortune indoors to bring about the downfall of the United States. The employees of the F_x Opinion Networks should not drive or operate heavy machinery until further notice.
Cabelludo S. Campo, Jorge Credenza, Elena Buenas, y Cremar, el vecino loco, estan muy "chistoso", no?
Dear Google, Grow up and learn how to spell, or get the h out of my face. Love, Me
Mitch pitched a bitch 'cause his itch got thrown into a ditch without a stitch or a hitch. What a glitch for such a rich witch like Mitch. We ain't into your hate.
Dinosaurs usually get ugly during this time of their disappearance.

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