Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Up the Beat

"The GOP's period of reflection and recalibration" by Steve Benen, The Maddow Blog MSNBC
If Karl Rove is the loyal pet of the Bush clan and is really really terrible at investing other people's money, has he ever thought about chasing rabbits for a living? Karl, did you forget to do all of the proper registering in Virginia?
Eight people who worked the hardest to prevent
US citizens from voting:
Carol Aichele of Pennsylvania, Ken Detzner and Rick Scott of Florida, Scott Gessler of Colorado, Jon Husted of Ohio, Matt Schultz of Iowa, Rick Snyder of Michigan, and Scott Walker of Wisconsin. I'd rather call them the 8 people who failed.
"A Giant Sucking Sound" by Leonard C. Goodman, In These Times,
Just a bit from the article:
". . .the proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement (TPP), which is sold as a 'free trade' agreement for the Pacific Rim and is being pushed by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the top lobbying group for American corporations.
   The terms of the TPP have been kept secret from the public for two years and only made available to the negotiators and a select group of corporate partners. However, a draft of the agreement that was leaked in June reveals the TPP would bestow radical new powers upon multinational corporations, including one provision that would protect the pharmaceutical industry from generic competitors and others that would allow companies to override domestic protections for the environment and for workers. New TPP investment rules aim to eliminate 'Buy American' preferences for U.S. manufacturers.
   Obama's support for these secret corporate-friendly policies directly contradicts the Democratic platform . . ."

One had a campaign about nought
The other had a redundant speech to repeat
The rest of US who can never be bought
Breathed a sigh of relief and picked up the beat.

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