Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Those Two

Robert Burns, 1785:
But little Mouse, you are not alone,
In proving foresight may be vain:
The best laid schemes of mice and men
Go often awry.
And leave us nothing but grief and pain,
For promised joy!
We the People, the electors, voted for the expiration of the Bush/Obama tax cuts, among other things. Some are afraid of the word "mandate" to describe our vote. We recommend you give it a different label, in order to dispel your fear.
MayorahM, as a corporate booty-sucker, got Washington D.C. off to the wrong start when he worked on President Obama. Now he is working on Chicago.
What is the opposite of a "fiscal cliff"?
   1. The Bush/Obama tax cuts expire and we start to take care of the People and the infrastructure.
   2. The Estate Tax continues to be in effect because, for the good of the country, the heirs must learn fiscal responsibility and to pay their own way.
   3. We begin to pay off the debt.
That is the opposite of a "fiscal cliff"
What is "compromise"?
Compromise = settlement of differences by mutual concessions; an adjustment of conflicting claims, principles, etc. by yielding a part of each.
It is one of the signs of human intelligence and adaptability.
Remember the "Executive Order"?
Remember "Acorn"?
Is Washington D.C. talking about a pledge-burning party?
"I've met yams with more going on upstairs than those two."
- Dick, 1999

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