Thursday, November 1, 2012

Romney's 100 Hour Challenge

Dear Mr. Romney, Where are your secret tax returns? Thank you so much, a Voting Citizen
It is time for the Church's tax exemption to be eliminated:
United Auto Workers v Romney and his profiteering: by Greg Palast
Romney's 100 hour challenge starts today and ends on Monday, the day before the election. He challenges US to find and define ONE (1), yes ONE (1), leadership quality that he possesses. So far, 21 people have guessed and have been incorrect.
Here are the wrong ones so far today:
Character - no
Charisma - no
Communication - no
Competence - no
Courage - no
Discernment - no
Empathy - no
Focus - no
Generosity - no
Initiative - no
Listening - no
Mentorship - no
Passion - no
Problem solving - no
Relationships - no
Responsibility - no
Security - no
Servanthood - no
Teachability - no
Trust - no
Vision - no

Are 100 hours enough time? What about 100 years?

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