Friday, September 6, 2013

Most Recent Conquerer

Have you seen that sad man traveling here and there, saying "please let me kill people" "please let me kill people"? He looks a lot like the president of the United States.

It is him. And he is sad.
Dear President Obama,
   Have you considered dropping a drone or two
on Bandar and his extortion game?
Love, Someone who will not be a mercenary for BandarObamaBush
A Condensed History of Syria

   Syria was settled in ancient times, thousands of years before the birth of Jesus. The name Syria was long used for the present region plus Lebanon, most of Israel and Jordan, and part of northern Arabia. Its first importance was as a trade and military route between Egypt and Mesopotamia. Through most of its history, Syria has been ruled by foreign powers, including the Egyptians, Babylonians, Hittites, Assyrians, and Persians. It was conquered by Alexander the Great and later by the Romans. Christianity came early to Syria; it was on the road to Damascus that St. Paul was converted.
   In the 7th century Syria was conquered by the Arabs, and soon it was converted to MuHammad's religion. Syria was a battleground in fighting between Turks who had conquered much of the land and the Christian Crusaders from Europe. By the early 1500's the Turkish empire controlled all of Syria and held it until World War I.
   After Turkey was defeated in WWI, present Syria and Lebanon were placed under French "protection." The Syrian people did not like French rule, and in 1936, after much freedom fighting, Syria became an independent state in 1939. Then World World II broke out and France retained control over Syria and stationed many troops there. Great Britain and the Fighting French forces of General deGaulle discovered that German planes were using Syria, so they invaded the country and this permitted the Syrian people to proclaim themselves an independent republic in 1941. Syria was one of the original members of the United Nations.
   The history of free Syria has been one of violence and military coups. The history of 21st century Syria teaches that 
global warming is the most recent conquerer.

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