Saturday, September 1, 2012

Whose $$$ Is It?

Are journalists and reporters eating too much tranquilized chicken? Are the rest of US?
Have you heard that Reince Priebus and Scott Walker were first
found as matching cookbookends on an unused shelf in the
Kochs' sub-basement? Have you heard that their favorite stage
roles are as "Brandon Shaw" and "Phillip Morgan", and their
favorite rolls are underdone?
Mr Romney? Did you ever, ever build anything from nothing
and all by yourself?

Not really. Sounds great though, doesn't it?

Mr. Romney, are you a bishop in your church?

. . . . . yes.

Are you ashamed, or may we talk about it?

No and no.

Why is everything a secret with you?

My family has led a secretive life ever since John Huntsman's
and my greatest gramps picked out his first wife.

Why the secrets about your political and business careers?

My methods would be misunderstood and used against me.
I wouldn't have a chance.

So you lie about everything all of the time?

. . . . . I'll get back to you on that.

Sir, how would you like to end this interview?

I would like to say that I am religiously free enough to invade
any and every country of my choosing.

Thank you, Sir. I would like to end with a question for US
to ponder: Without getting specific or asking for details,
where do you think the funding comes from for the social
programs you want to cut or abolish? We know the money
did not come from you or your taxes. Whose $$$ is it?

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