Sunday, September 9, 2012

Dues are Due

Coal miners get dirty. Mine owners are dirty.
If you got a brand new puppy, would you feel guilty for leaving it home alone because society told you to feel guilty or because you are a human with feelings?
In the new post-modern post-millenium world, a college-educated woman can pretend that physical attachment and biology have no emotional effect on her because she has a plan to disregard it.
"You guys are actually DEvolving."
Sparin' Cane and his tv arch enemy, Spill Bane, are trying out for the same role. Uh, oh.
Ron Day Voo has an appointment with Miss Adventure.
Time to dig up your dangerous PCB's and return them to their rightful owners.
Rick Steves in Prague
Your Polly Merrick Residue dues are due.

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