Monday, September 24, 2012

This is So Hard?

Which Presidential candidate said this?
As you know, I schedule things according to the fighting season. I'll criticize anyone with different calendars. But really, how do you know when a war is over? Speaking of how's, how does this sound? "People with more will get less and those with less will get more." Don't you think it has a ring to it? It sounds almost plausible. Maybe I'll keep saying it.
Who said that?
If corporations are persons who can prey on other persons for the sole purpose of monetary profit, if corporations do toxic chemical experiments on other persons every day in the form of unnecessary drugs, food dyes & additives & absorbed bug sprays, gas engine exhaust, power plants, clothing  made of plastic bottles, returning benzene and formaldehyde to our lives and crystallized bleach to baby bottles, if corporations do all that and so much more - think war, of course they don't care to be held responsible. But do they ever say This is so hard? 

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