Friday, August 17, 2012

Asking For It

If republican = a person who favors a country in which the supreme power rests in the body of citizens entitled to vote and the power is exercised by the elected representatives, and if conservative = a cautious and moderate person who preserves existing conditions, than the labels of "republican" and "conservative" are completely and utterly false when it comes to the Ryan/Romney team.
65 of Paul Ryan's votes in Congress added up to $6.8 trillion more debt. Helping US or not so much?
Paul Ryan's proposal to burden the middle class with a tax increase in order to give another break to the wealthy, means that his partner "Mitt Romney would pay a 0.82 percent tax rate on his $21 million annual earnings." Poor Mitt - 0.82 percent tax rate!!! Why does he have to pay more than the electric company?
"Who is Paul Ryan?" by David Sirota
Mr. Paul Ryan, you did ask for the stimulus money.

No, I did not.

Here is your signature.

Well, I signed for the stimulus money, I didn't ask for it.

I think you are asking for it.

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