Thursday, August 23, 2012

One Century Back

Just in from the Ryan/Romney/Akin/Willke team:
This is about us. It is about our egos and ours desires. This is about our bribery money. It is about our fear of the voters. We have Fox and Fox Lite in our pockets. Real journalists are against us. Real principals are against us, so we stand on them. Sure, we are obsessed with women's bodies and the ways for us to control them. We are the Washington elites. Try not to be misinformed about the septic stink all around us.
Mitt Romney, Todd Akin, John Willke, and Paul Ryan
Are selling a repression that nobody's buyin'
Watch their walk
Not their talk
Of course they'll keep lyin' to make US start cryin'.
". . . floating down the river with the rest of US logs"
were the self-appointed inheritors, the kings of all the cogs
"the end justifies the means"
so lying is okay? You're full of beans
make up any old thing, you old hogs still ain't herding the dogs
Together, verbal diarrhea and oral prestidigitation and a handful of idiots really can kill time.
Romney wants the buck to stop with him so that he can hoard it offshore, all the while reiterating "I'll get back to you. I'll get back to you." He never does.
We are the Secret Order of Free Mason Jars, a mutual assistance and sisterly love society of canners with manners. I sense you want the stockyard tanners who are all about odoriferous-free banners. They're down the street and one century back.

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