Monday, May 20, 2013

Should Never Drink

Karmic Law has sentenced the Opposite of Supreme Court and their lovely families, and the CEO and board members of Monsanto and their lovely families, to lifetimes of eating the mutated and poisoned foods of Monsanto. The length of their lifetimes will be determined by the poisons and the various cancers. Fair is fair.
I would re-kohlate my glass ayes
I would re-dimple my cheeky denys
But I live in a box
Where each arm barely rocks.
I would refresh with xl 2-plys
The keystones of self-absorbing cries
But I live in a box
Turning fairy dust into jocks.
I would invent believable lies
I would outlaw whens and whys
But I live in a box
Chock full of my unholy crocks.
I would strengthen certain ties
For boys and girls who are slies
But I live in a box
While turning back the clocks.
And that's why the Bachmanns should never drink.

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