Thursday, May 23, 2013

Schnitzel Wiener

Austerity is a dead lie. Don't have a fit.
Austerity is a dead lie. Try another bit.
Shame on the Prez and the pols.
Shame on those banksters' molls
Austerity is a dead lie. Get over it.
The wealthy takers do not want to pay taxes, but they will pay their goats to foment a "scandal" about the IRS - you know, that department they don't want anything to do with.
This just in from MayoRahm: It's the hand-picked board, my pretties. Not me. Oh no, not me.
Hey! Tony! How is the voyeurism vote in New York City?

We know he's a "mister" wiener
Because he could not be keener
To pictorially share his preener.
Again with the schnitzel wiener?

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