Tuesday, May 14, 2013

It Takes All Kinds

U.S. embassies are and have been, for decades, considered potential war zones. More than four people have been killed at other embassy attacks. More than four people were killed on 9/11 during the former dick and george's watch. What about that "incident"?
This just in from the former dick cheney: I am thinking of two of the worst incidences in my career. The first is when I headhunted myself for VP, and the second is when I shot my associate in the face. 
His doo dah gets zipped
While he goes pink slipped
Congenitally I'm leechified he said
Obsessively I'm peachified he said
So proud to get his gossamer wings clipped.
Why doesn't Michelle Bachmann want her husband to be happy?
Macebook is the official web site of a club whose instigators speak softly and carry big sticks. Some are nuts whose inner layers have been ground to dust. Some are behind the 8 ball and don't have a cue. Some have metal heads with flanges on their collar bones. They are the wierdest ones. Some have staph infections. Some are soft from steeping themselves in liquids. It takes all kinds.

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