Monday, May 6, 2013

Quite a Tell

"If George is so popular, why are they giving Ronnie Reagan a dinner?" George Burns and Gracie Allen ('53)
HospiceLand Insecurity Department. Keep the HLID on it. 
How may I direct your call?

Thank you for being a live person. The sunglasses that you all wear are ultra cool. Could someone tell me where I may buy a pair?

You can't afford them. Have a nice day.

To improve the air quality in Washington DC, half of the senators (and the numbers continue to grow) will be moved to a nursing home for war mongers and the criminally insane. It is real nice in there. There are TVs they can talk into 24/7.
You know that empty suit in Wisconsin who could pass for the wicked witch? He says lazy knows lazy. Quite a tell.

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