Tuesday, July 31, 2012

And It Pays Well

After the fiasco that Mitt calls his trip to Britain, Israel, and Poland, a German newspaper reported that Mitt "has already disqualified himself" as a mediator. That is huge. I bet Mitt will blame the media, not his own words or lack of understanding.
Let's not get borked by Mitt's Constitutional adviser.
"Kiss my ass; this is a holy spot for the Polish people." Thanks, teamitt
Just a few years ago, McCain looked at many years' worth of Romney's tax returns, then picked Palin. That says a lot about a lot of things.
The Mitt says that due to "inheriting" and grabbing more then hiding away other people's money for himself, he is not culturally inferior. But the same guy says the US is culturally inferior because it is no longer an economic leader. I'd like to add that Mitt himself is a liar and a troublemaker and as far from being presidential material as a garden slug. He does make a perfect toy for a snake, though.
Does anybody have a little slug-sized leash?
One of the heads of the snake slowly rose up from inside his hole. The snake had been hybernating on a custom-made bier for month after month. Seeing that head rise up was an affront to audiences everywhere and some other snakes somewhere. But oh well. It is what it is, animal theater for the demented of distinction. And it pays well. 

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